Family-friendly employer LCM

Family-friendly employer LCM

LCM was awarded the re-certification “berufundfamilie” by Federal Minister Dr. Susanne Raab. The compatibility of family and career and the flexibility of work arrangements are two essential factors for the positive working atmosphere at LCM. The 100%...

LCM at the Linzathlon 2023

LCM at the Linzathlon 2023

A motivated LCM team went to the start of the 10 km Linzathlon again this year. The obstacle course is a top class team event that is challenging and a lot of fun. We happily crossed the finish line together with our sporty colleagues from Brimatech. We are already...

LCM is a Hydrogen Austria Clustermember

LCM is a Hydrogen Austria Clustermember

We are proud to be a new member of the Hydrogen Austria Cluster! Hydrogen plays a crucial role in the creation of sustainable forms of energy. As a leading research and development service provider of mechatronic solutions, LCM supports companies along the entire...