LCM at the EDPC 2022

LCM at the EDPC 2022

Representatives from the development and production of electric drives met to exchange ideas at the Electric Drives Production Conference 2022 (EDPC) in Regensburg at the end of November. The EDPC covers all topics related to electric drives, from materials science to...

LCM at the Industry Space Days 2022

LCM at the Industry Space Days 2022

The ESA Industry Space Days are held every two years in Nordwijk, NL. After a Covid19-related online event in 2020, many participants were involved this year. LCM was present for the first time and presented the prototypes from the ESA research project MagBrake II...

Leading Indian manufacturer of drive systems for electrically powered vehicles visits LCM

Leading Indian manufacturer of drive systems for electrically powered vehicles visits LCM

Electromobility is also advancing massively in Asia. Significant growth is expected, especially in the motorcycle segment. The use of optimized drive systems is essential in order to actually achieve the desired goals such as high range, small installation space, low...