Electrical Drives

ELECTRICAL DRIVES Our technological focus The Linz Center of Mechatronics relies on solutions from a single source for the development of electric drives. All relevant competencies such as simulation, optimization, electronics and prototyping interlock to implement...


VIBRATIONS & PIEZO TECHNOLOGY OUR TECHNOLOGICAL FOCUS Shorter cycle times and lightweight construction also in classical plant and machine construction often lead to an increase of unexpected mechanical vibrations. Depending on the application, these vibrations...


Science becomes reality ​Your DEVELOPMENT PARTNER FROM IDEA TO PRODUCT We develop individual mechatronic solutions for our customers based on economical criteria using advanced knowledge from our in-house research. Depending on the needs of our customers, we carry out...

Condition Monitoring

Condition Monitoring

Condition Monitoring & ­Predictive Maintenance With smart components for data-based condition analyses and AI-supported fault detection, we accompany the development and integration of flexible and practical condition monitoring systems as an R&D service...