A pan European Network of Robotics DIHs for Agile Production

A pan European Network of Robotics DIHs for Agile Production

Project description

The DIH² vision is to build a sustainable pan-European network to facilitate and accelerate the knowledge and technology exchange among robotics Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs). The DIHs will facilitate the uptake of the latest robotic technologies across the European Union in the field of Agile Production.


Our aims and objectives

  • Enhance the cost effectiveness of advanced robotics solutions
  • Drive growth of the robotics market
  • Generate innovation that maximises productivity and optimises agility in over 300,000 Manufacturing Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Mid-Caps across the European Union.

DIH² is a network of 26 European Digital Innovation Hubs. Our objective is to grow this network to over 170 DIHs by 2022.


Current information

In a workshop organized by LCM at the Conference Industrieroboik on 17.10.2019 you will learn how you can receive up to 248k€ in funding to accelerate your production with the latest robot technology. During the workshop you will receive all essential information about the DIH² network and its funding. You can also quickly and easily register for OpenCall at the stand (deadline 31.10.19), both as a manufacturing company (SME or slightly larger) and as a technology provider.

If you are unable to attend the workshop, we will be happy to assist you directly with any questions you may have about this funding opportunity.



Project-titel: A pan European Network of Robotics DIHs for Agile Production
Coordinator: VTT (Finland)
Budget: approx. 17 Mill EUR about 265.000 for LCM
Project duration: 48 months
Project start: January 2019
Project member: 37 partners from science and industry from 27 different EU-countries.
Project homepage: www.dih-squared.eu


Posted on

22. January 2019