Automatic Coil Winding

Application and End-Of-Arm Tool Development

The demands on modern electric motors, such as higher energy densities or speeds, are constantly increasing and the manufacture of the coil winding is becoming more and more complex.
The use of collaborative robots (cobots) in industrial applications is becoming increasingly important. In this example, an automated creation of a customized coil winding using a cobot is presented. The robot tool (end of arm tool) to guide and strip the wire was developed and manufactured by LCM.

Link to the scientific paper presented at the Austrian Robotics Workshop on 11.06.2021.

Methods and Technology

  • Automatic Robot Program Generation (integrated in SyMSpace workflow)
  • Process Optimization via Virtual Commissioning
  • Prototyping and Testing in the Lab

Results and Benefits for Customers

  • Virtual and real tested Processes and Tools
  • Automatic Workflows for fast Adaptability

Your contact person

Dipl.-Ing., Dr. Markus Schörgenhumer, BSc

Business Area Manager Mechanics & Control

+43 732 2468 6129

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