
Portfolio – Topics

Circular Economy – Business Models

For companies the topic of circular economy is often still hard to grasp. While it is evident that raw-materials are becoming scarce, just as human labor, concrete action items for companies are still not obvious. Identifying concrete use-cases and concrete actions to climb up the competence ladder on circular economy help. motivation and business models need to be apparent. We help companies understanding where and how they can do their first steps, motivated with a value proposition. This way circular economy moves “from compliance to business”.

Vision Framing & ­Story Telling

Is circular economy a hype, or is it for compliance only? In open exchange, across companies and disciplines, we collaboratively obtain perspectives on value propositions. Via extensive open foresight formats or compact workshops, we jointly draw scenarios and learn from sharing different points of views, creating momentum for your individual actions.

Cross-Company Product Design

Cross company product design can significantly deviate from classical – inhouse only – product design. We help companies assessing the qualities of cross-company design. We show demonstrators, offer best-practice examples, and a self-contained software environment. It allows to experiment with abilities for new design approaches.

Your Contact Person

Johannes Klinglmayr

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Johannes Klinglmayr, MA.

Business Area Manager Emerging Technologies | Strategic Research

+43 732 2468 6158

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